Sunday, December 23, 2007

Snakes on the Plane, What's on Aisle 6?

Dad Reports, or Rambles: Laura and I have been laying low in terms of this web log. Both of us have been fighting allergies and colds since we arrived in China. Some OTC medications help a little; lack of sleep, not at all. Cory also developed a cough so the doctor who examined him for his visa prescribed an antibiotic. It’s a powder that comes in little 125 gram packets – four fifths of which is mixed in solution for each dose. Other than the cough, he’s doing exceptionally well. He loves airplane rides!

While receiving Merriella from the Shantou orphanage was a joyful experience for us, it was different with Little Haohao. We feel a incredible joy along with profound sadness that a couple who love him very much experience pain and loss at releasing him to join us. Sunday at their House Meeting was very emotional for all of us. Dave and Susie did a magnificent work preparing him for the transition to our family. They are a lovely couple serving G faithfully. Little Haohao recognized us at first sight and has shown none of the distress that Merriella felt during her transition last year. Cory loves his Mommy and prefers to be with her over any of the rest of us, yet he obviously is comfortable with all of us and enjoys his big brother and Merriella tremendously. He is very wary of people he doesn’t know. The Chinese people we talk to (in our limited abilities) are impressed that he understands both English and Chinese.

In America, major retail chains deliberate whether they will greet customers with Merry Christmas! In China, I see "Merry Christmas" and hear the following (among others) all over the place: “Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem”, “Silent Night”, “Away in a Manger”, and “Oh Come all Ye faithful”. Interesting.

If you’ve ever communicated in another language, you know translations don’t always fit quite right: On the flight from Guangzhou to Beijing, our flight attendant announced something in Chinese, then followed in English for the 6 foreigners (us!) aboard: “soon we will be serving snakes.” We were relieved they served snacks after all. In a Beijing supermarket, the aisles are labeled in Chinese with English sub-titles. On one side of aisle 6 are various “chips”, while the other is “crack”! While some things don’t translate smoothly, others come through with painful clarity: One Guangzhou shopkeeper with a puzzled look on his face asked, “you adopt a boy?!” I responded yes. He examined Haohao in the stroller, saw no apparent problem, looked back at me and said, “He not very good boy...” It was part statement, part question - a qualitative assessment. If a boy were available for adoption, something must be wrong with him. I said, “Oh yes, he’s a very good boy”. And a wonderful boy he is: bright, beautiful eyes, a contagious smile and a cute sense of humor. And he’s got a big family of people who love him and pray for him – in China, the U.K. and in the United States. Some of you know how Merriella has been saying that she’s never been to China. This morning she told me, “I once went to this China by self!” (that's "by myself"). I responded, “Really?” Then she said, “Yeah! I was waiting for you and Mommy to come get me!”. There are many children still waiting. God is big and sovereign over all things. It’s probably a good thing to ask, “How big is God in my life today?”. It’s been a long trip and we are eager to take Cory home. Thanks for your love and prayers.


Lollr4 said...

hey Vazquez family! i can't wait till you get home, with your new Baby boy!!! he is so so so cute!! Hope you have a safe trip home! Hannah,you can call if you want when you get home. i miss you all!

Korinne[for the Lollars}

The Horsleys said...

Awww, how cute! I really like the Made in China shirt. We're also glad that they didn't serve snakes to you all. Well, it would have been an interesting story, but it could have turned problematic. Oh well. We're all so excited for you to get back tomorrow, so expect bombardments from Americans instead of Chinese people!!
Have Fun~ The Horsleys